Saturday, February 8, 2014

More friendship bracelets


Below you will read the History of friendship bracelets. 

WIKIPEDIA says:  " Friendship bracelets are ancient, but their resurgence is modern. The fad of friendship bracelets reappeared when they were seen during protests about the disappearances of Mayan Indians and peasants in Guatemala. The friendship bracelets were brought into the United States by religious groups for use in political rallies.
Diamond pattern
Friendship bracelets can have many meanings and symbolic uses, ...
such as friendship, folk art, or social statements. Although it is generally accepted that the origins of these colorful bands lie with the Indians in Central and South America, some decorative knots can be traced back to China from 481 to 221 B.C.[8] According to tradition, one ties a bracelet onto the wrist of a friend who may wish for something at that moment. The bracelet should be worn until it is totally worn out and falls off by itself, at which moment the wish is supposed to come true."I have many more with different designs and they are South America. I want show you.

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